To this day, our company name unmistakably represents our past: We developed the superspeed maglev system Transrapid. We have grown and evolved since then, having continuously enhanced our areas of excellence. Nowadays, we consult our customers in a vast range of different industries under the name TechCenter Control Technology.

Companies have to reinvent themselves again and again, and this is truer today than ever before. The successful deployment of the Transrapid in Shanghai demonstrates the innovative power that lies within this company. Today, the team at TechCenter Control Technology use precisely this strength: Because of their broad technical expertise, innovative engineering projects they are involved with become a success.

Dr. Friedrich Löser
former Managing Director of thyssenkrupp Transrapid GmbH, on the development of the company
Photo of Transrapid TR09  in full view, running on the test facility in Lathen

Our beginnings: The Transrapid

What is still considered a masterpiece of German engineering by most people used to be our daily business: Our company has its origins in the development of the Transrapid maglev train.

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Two TechCenter engineers at work

Our evolution: How we became TCCT

When it became clear that there was no future for the Transrapid in Europe, a new era started for our company: From then on, the existing expertise was used to provide engineering services for other exciting projects.

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